Frequently asked questions (FAQ) & guidelines

How should I contact the driver, sender or passenger?

Whirl has an internal messaging system that users can use to communicate, once you've found someone you think is interested, send them a message using the messaging service to confirm your travel or travel needs or delivery. Meeting close to public transport is recommended in case your trip partner is unable to make it.

What does a delivery or a ride cost?

Whirl leaves it up to the driver to decide the amount of fee they want to ask about. However, if you have difficulty deciding how much fuel to charge, it makes sense for drivers to ask passengers or senders for a fee in the range of Uganda shilling 120 per passenger per kilometer. Users can use tools like the AA Route Planner or Google Maps to estimate travel time and determine what contributions they want. Upward or downward payments avoid the need for change and are obviously a sensible solution.

Will giving a ride to a Passenger or delivering a package affect my car insurance in any way?

No, if you ask passengers to contribute to your vehicle's operating costs, as we recommend (and do not make a profit), car sharing will not affect your insurance in any way if six or fewer passengers and that transporting passengers is not your business or very regular occurrence. If you are still concerned about whether you are doing the right thing, it is best to contact your insurance company to make sure you are acting in their note. Whirl does not guarantee that your insurance will cover pick-up and delivery costs.

What if things don't go according to plan?

If your circumstances change and you are no longer able to honor your agreement, please notify your agreed whirl partner as soon as possible.

Whirl only provides the ability to find drivers, passengers and senders and cannot guarantee that users of the website | application will be able to do so keep their agreements. Similarly, users of the site are under no obligation to take any trip they have previously consented to.

Contact whirl as soon as possible at

What should I do if I have questions ?

If you have a question of any type, the best place to start is to consult the FAQs right here. If your question isn't answered here, please email us at

What if I am concerned about user behavior ?

Whenever you share a ride, be it a lift or a delivery, with a user, you have the opportunity to rate and comment on it, this is an effective way for users to gather relevant information so that they can choose the best person to share with.

However, if at any stage of using the site you come across a user who you think is in violation of the terms or is acting inappropriately, please let us know at and we will act accordingly.